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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
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To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]

This tiddler was automatically created to record the details of this server
The Black Court vampire Azazel is perhaps not rukh level of power, but she is still an old vampire who survived the Stoker event. She is a spell caster and experimenter. She collects old tomes of secrets and uses those secrets to increase her own power within the ranks of her order. She is the one who gave the secrets of the burning circle to Kupka. The circle is a dangerous magic, and she thought he would self-destruct and she would get some useful information. But, now he’s gone, and she only wants him dead before knowledge of what she’s done gets out.
[[Burned Circle - Characters]]
[[Burned Circle - PCs]]

[[Burned Circle Act 1 - The Changeling]]
!Back Home
''Actors'' [[Richard Hall]]
* Front Yard - well kept lawn
* Back Yard - fenced in yard
* Entrance Rooms - foyer, living room, and dining room (open concept)
* Back Entrance - kitchen, laundry room
* Various Bedrooms
* Front/Back - Fence (Average)
* Front/Entrance - Door (Fair), Threshold (see below)
* Back/Entrance - Door (Fair), Threshold (see below)
* Outside/Inside - Windows (Fair), Threshold (see below)
* Inside/Bedrooms - None
This being Richard's recently deceased house, and the one he grew up in, there is a Good (+3) threshold on the house. This counts as a Good Block, and it suppresses spells lowering their power by 3.
The house is eerily perfect. Pictures of Richard and Kate are arranged lovingly on the hearth and walls, showing the progression from youths to young adults to graduates. Everything is pretty much how you would expect in a middle class suburban family. It's in Richard's old bedroom that they find him, along with anyone else he's taken at this point, preparing to sacrifice them for the price of the demon.
The ~PCs will have to find some way in without alerting the neighbors. Sneaking is a good thing here.
Richard will not go down without a fight, and with the power of his staff and the threshold working against him, the ~PCs are going to have a hard time. The confines work against the enemy practitioner here, so he blows a hole in a wall with a quick channeling to move into the open areas of the house and get more room to move around. This is his final stand. He fights to the end here.
''Scout'' Scouts a small area for obvious signs of what you're looking for (Investigation of Average) very quickly.
!Blood Drinker [–1]
Description: You can (and, with [[Feeding Dependency]] on page 190, must) drink blood. Feeding on lifeblood sustains you more fully than any other food might, and you’re particularly good at it. Anything short of freshly-spilled blood is less vital and, thus, less fulfilling; a fresh kill is like a three-course meal, while a bag from the blood bank is like an hors d’oeuvre—small and tasty, but ultimately leaving you hungry for the main course. You have no need to eat regular food (though you might still enjoy it).
''Skills Affected:'' Fists, others.
''Drink Blood.'' Any time you draw blood in close personal combat—with your claws or your teeth—you can ingest some of it to gain sustenance. Roll Fists or another appropriate skill (Weapons, etc.) to make your victim bleed. Once you’ve done this successfully, gain  a +1 to your attack on subsequent exchanges against the same target. In a grapple, you may inflict an extra point of stress on a target as a supplemental action.

''The Taste of Death.'' Once per scene, if you inflict enough stress and consequences to kill a victim from feeding, you may take an immediate “free” recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear your stress track and mild physical consequences (page 220), and possibly larger consequences if you have an ability that lets you heal quickly (page 184).

''Blood Frenzy.'' When in the presence of fresh blood, you feel a nearly uncontrollable urge to attack. The GM is within her rights to call for Discipline rolls to resist the urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form of a compel against your high concept.
!Breath Weapon [–2]
''Description:'' You’re able to spit or otherwise throw some sort of self-generated projectile over a short distance.
''Note:'' You’ll need to lock down this breath weapon to a single type of effect—e.g., acid, fire, lightning, etc.—when you take this ability.
''Skills Affected:'' Weapons (this is treated as a thrown weapon).
''Breath Weapon.'' You can attack targets up to one zone away from you with your breath weapon. Roll Weapons; if you hit, you deal +2 physical stress (essentially, this is a thrown Weapon:2 that you can self-generate). As with any weapon, you might be able to use your breath to perform combat maneuvers if you can justify it, setting temporary aspects on the scene or on your opponent.
[[Oleksiy Kupka]]
[[Sandra Kneat]]
[[Handmaiden to Aurora]]
[[Holly Icetouch]]
[[Cesar Vargas]]
[[Ronald Reuel]]
[[Warden Eugene S. Thornton]]
[[Keira Moore]] (Thanee's Character)
[[Logan Harcourt]] (Dragonwriter's Character)
[[Juno Reyes]] (Shayuri's Character)
[[Malcom Crestwood]] (Bluedevil's Character)
!The Idea
Make the players' heads spin with conflicting information, then whammy them with the demonic possession story. After that, everything starts to fall into place.
!!!Basic Plot
A Changeling has been possessed through a ritual by a warlock. Now she's losing her mind and going up against Summer and Winter at the same time. Can she be saved from the path she's started down before she's killed in revenge? Throw in some Red Court vampires for good measure who want to find out the secrets of the burned circle, and you have a recipe for disaster.
!!!Scenes Initiated by Players
[[Scene - The Job]]
[[Scene - Sandra's Pad]]
[[Scene - The Precinct]]
[[Scene - Summer vs. Winter]]
!!!Scenes to Rock the Boat
[[Scene - The Tail]]
[[Scene - Reds In It Too??]]
[[Scene - A Warden's Duty]]
[[Scene - Wanted For Questioning]]

!Who's Who
* [[Oleksiy Kupka]] is trying to lay low. He doesn’t want to be found, and he wants to continue his experiments of trying to bind a demon to mortals in order to gain power.
* [[Sandra Kneat]] is possessed by a demon. This was done by Kupka through a ritual using the burning circle to bind the demon while he weaved magic to put it in Kneat’s mind. Now she is going after Summer and Winter, pushed by the whispers of the demon.
* The Red Court is trying to capture Kupka and Kneat to find out whatever they can about the secret rituals that Kupka is using.
** The Red Court is usin
* The Black Court wants Kupka and Kneat dead, so that what is happening does not get out.
** The Black Court is using ghouls. They want everyone dead, so they don’t need finesse or caution. Ghouls are perfect for the job.
* The Wardens want to get to the bottom of the burned circles, the remains of Kupka’s dark magic rituals dealing with demons.
* Winter is after Kneat because she killed Holly Icetouch. And, they’re out in force.
* Summer is after Kneat, because it is believed that she is coming after Summer as well. Reuel is holding back their full force, however, and trying to find and hide her before she is killed.
The wonderful writer
A powerful member of the Red Court in Atlanta, Vargas was turned centuries ago soon after the Spanish conquest of the Aztec. Now he is a wealthy businessman, a mover and shaker in the city. It has come to his attention that a warlock who is an experiment of the Black Court is in the city, and he wants that warlock alive. Anyone who gets in his way is an acceptable casualty. He is using whatever means he has necessary toward those ends.
!The ~PCs
* [[Emerald]]
* [[Jack]]
* [[Max]]

!The ~NPCs
* [[Richard Hall]] - Minor practitioner. Brother of Kate Johnson - now turned vampire. Swore vengeance against Black Court, trying to summon demon. In hiding.
* [[Kate Hall]] - New to the Black Court. Sister of Richard Johnson. Now put in charge of stopping him to protect Dimitri.
* [[Johnny Blue]] - Minor player in the city, criminal behavior. Working for Richard Johnson doing shakedowns and dumping bodies, though doesn't know why. In the know on some supernatural affairs.
* [[Tony "The Wolf" Roberts]] - Minor player in the city, does some drug running and security work. Professional. Working for Richard by taking practitioners and signing up some enforcers to help protect him.
* [[Ghoul Enforcer]] - Leading [[Renfield]] looking for Richard. Working for Dimitri and Kate. Not the best help, but Dimitri is in semi-hiding and Kate is new to the game, so they turned to the ghoul.
* [[Dimitri]] - Black Court who vamped Kate Johnson. Laying low while Kate and the ghoul take over killing Richard.
* [[The Demon Chihiztizen]] - A demon who Richard has learned part of the True Name of in order to summon him. Normally very powerful, he's weaker when Richard summons him due to the lack of a full True Name and inexperience summoning demons.
!The Contacts
* [[Father McIster]] - Priest of the Saint Mary's
* [[Detective Wallace]] - Homicide Detective
* [[Warden Young]] - City's Warden
* [[Bippity]] - Pixie
!Claws [–1]
''Description:'' You have claws, fangs, or other natural weapons that let you add damage when attacking with your “bare” hands. Note: Unless you have the ability to conceal your nature or change your shape (whether through Flesh Mask, shapeshifting powers, or the application of a Glamour), your claws are always visible.

''Skills Affected:'' Fists.
''Natural Weapons.'' You have claws (or something similar) which act as Weapon:2 for your Fists attacks. This bonus stacks with stress increases due to Strength abilities (page 183), but won’t stack with other Weapon:[X] effects per the usual weapon stacking guidelines (page 202).

''Venomous [–2].'' Your claws are venomous. Make a Fists maneuver; if successful, the
target gains a Poisoned aspect. 

In each subsequent exchange, the target must roll Endurance to defend against an attack from the poison equal to your Fists score. Once the target concedes or is taken out (falling unconscious), the attacks stop (see page 203 for guidelines on being taken out). However, the damage is already done; without proper medical attention, a taken out victim will die soon (within a few hours, perhaps less),  though not immediately.
Proper medical attention will remove the aspect and end the effect. This is an opposed roll—you can roll Fists (since that was the skill for the original attack) to set the difficulty to mitigate the poison.
!Cloak of Shadows [–1]
''Description:'' You and the shadows are as one. You’re able to melt into the shadows with ease; the cover of night offers easy concealment. 
''Skills Affected:'' Stealth, perception skills. 
''See in the Dark.'' Perception skill rolls are not penalized by darkness.

''Melt into the Shadows.'' You’re more effective than most at hiding in a reasonably sized
area of darkness or shadow. Under the cover of darkness, you get a +2 bonus to your
Stealth rolls.
!Demon Cometh
''Actors'' [[Richard Hall]], [[The Demon Chihiztizen]], Bridget Pidge
* Galley - he cooking area leads directly to the summoning area
* Large Room - a summoning chamber and lab area
* Galley/Room - Landmine Ward (see below)
* Galley/Out - Cluttered Rooms (Average)
//Landmine// - The door from the galley to the large room has a Ward attached to it of the landmine variety, exploding in a power 4 fireball that affects everyone in the galley. If it goes off, it has the added effect of setting the galley on fire. Oops. Only Richard can pass through it without setting it off or lower it in case he wants others to pass through. The ~PCs will have to either set it off from outside the galley or counter it.
//~Anti-Divination// - Richard has spent a lot more on this one, expecting that investing in this one will mean nobody will find him. It is a block 10 against divination spells.
The inside of the ship is dim, lit not by electricity but lantern light. The main cabin is empty, but as they go through the galley, they come into an area where the walls have been torn down to make one larger room. In it are the trappings of a wizard's lab with jars full of strange bits and objects, a table with flasks and beakers on it, and Bunsen burners and other odds and ends strewn about in disarray. On the far side of the room are a pile of two bodies, in the same condition of the other the ~PCs saw: mummified with holes in their foreheads. Beside them is a single woman, Bridget Pidge, bound and gagged, possibly sedated since she is staring forward not moving. In the center of the room, however, are two figures. The first is an unshaven emaciated man, fallen on his knees, grovelling in front of a magic circle of silver and iron built into the floor. The second figure is broad and tall with horrendous features. He is green-blue and shaped much like a human but his flesh barely holds onto his bones and indeed doesn't look completely solid. His face slumps to the side, drool falling to the floor, and every once in a while a small bit of him drips to the ground and turns to liquid melting into nothingness. His eyes are red with pinpoints of black. His fingers end in three inch long claws, his knees turned the wrong way. 
[[Richard Hall]] is pleading with the demon, begging him to kill the ~PCs. To save him from them. The demon simply smiles and glares down the ~PCs. Richard says he will double the payment. But, the demon wants triple the price, which Richard agrees to. The demon specifies that it will be provided to him upon return of the targets' heads, and Richard agrees. The demon smiles saying "A bargain is struck." Richard then crosses the threshold of the circle, releasing the demon to attack the ~PCs.

They can attempt to stop Richard from releasing the demon. If they do so, they'll get some exposition about why he's doing all of this, but ultimately he has made his bed already.
[[The Demon Chihiztizen]] is not to be trifled with. In fact, it is unlikely that the ~PCs can beat it in a straight fight. They will need to find its weakness and turn that against them when they have lots of fate points to use to even try. Their best bet is to try to escape the thing. Richard attempts to make his escape here, grabbing the woman on the way out.
''Well Informed'' +2 to Getting the Tip Off on police matters
''Fix It For Ya'' Spend a fate point to slide by on a minor law infraction
''Aspects'' Black Court Sorcerer, Shrewd Negotiator, Long Term Thinker
''Skills'' Average Alertness (+1), Good Athletics (+3), Good Conviction (+3), Good Discipline (+3), Good Fists (+3), Fair Endurance (+2), Fair Intimidate (+2), Good Lore (+3), Good Rapport (+3)
''Powers'' [[Claws]], [[Echoes of the Beast]], [[Living Dead]], [[Supernatural Toughness]], [[The Catch]] is Bram Stoker style weaknesses, [[Blood Drinker]], [[Feeding Dependency]], [[Cloak of Shadows]], [[Inhuman Strength]], [[Inhuman Speed]], [[Domination]], [[Gaseous Form]], [[Channeling]] (necromancy), [[Ritual]] (necromancy)
| Mental OO | Physical OOO (OOOO) |
| Social OOOO | Hunger OOOO |
| Armor:2 | |
''Dark Bolt'' 4 shifts, Discipline attack, one target
''Soul Shield'' 2 shifts, 2 exchanges, block
''Raise Dead'' raises a zombie servant
Given time and opportunity, they can crawl inside your head in a Discipline vs. Discipline contest dealing mental stress and with consequences that indicate some amount of mental control. Most of the time they can opt instead to rip opponents apart. They don't heal particularly well from major damage, though.
* Great initiative
* Great defense
* Good attacks
* Weapon:4 claws & strength.
* Focus (wand)
''Total Refresh Cost'' -18
!Domination [–2]
''Description:'' This ability is most commonly seen among a segment of Black Court vampires. Given a captive victim, a skilled Black Court vampire or other creature with this ability can break down the target’s will through direct psychic assault. It’s not subtle, and it’s not pretty, and it usually leaves a wreck of a mind in its wake.
''Skills Affected:'' Discipline.
''Psychic Domination.'' Given a helpless captive, you may use your Discipline skill as an overt psychic attack, dealing mental stress and consequences until the victim’s mind is entirely under your sway. While the victim may defend with his own Discipline, he usually can’t counter-attack, and eventually he’ll just be whittled down—especially if you get creative with the “preparation” of your victim.

''Create Renfield.'' If you manage to take out a victim using this method, you have the option of turning the character into a “Renfield” (OW86): a horribly broken individual, with nothing left to do except foam at the mouth and fanatically execute on your instructions. It takes a day to create a Renfield in this fashion.

''Master Dominator [–2].'' If you take this upgrade, increase your psychic attacks to +2 stress on a successful hit and you can create enhanced Renfields with Inhuman  strength (page 183), Inhuman Recovery (page 185), and lifespans of no longer than a month. It takes three days to create an enhanced Renfield.

''Possession [–3].'' This variant is seen most commonly among demons; with this  upgrade, you may fully possess your victim once you’ve taken him out with your domination attack. Your domination attacks inflict +2 stress on successful hits. This upgrade is possible only when combining this power with another that allows you to become insubstantial. Gaseous Form (page 175) could allow you to possess a victim by way of inhalation, while Spirit Form (page 170) would allow you to simply “step into” the victim’s body. Once you’ve taken possession, you may control your victim completely—without any easy telltales of mind control—and gain access to all of their physical abilities and many of their mental ones. Once someone has a reason to be suspicious, you must use your Deceit to defend against discovery.
!Dump Site
''Actors'' Officer Mike Thompson (DISINTERESTED BEAT COP)
A police tape blocks off an alley with a large trashcan being looked over by a couple of men in forensic gear. A tall beat cop with a pudge and a comb over stands in their way, a guy they've met on a few occasions who fairly indifferent to them. If they can examine the scene, the body is in the trash can. It's mummified and has a hole in the head in a very strange spoke-like shape, with one end curved around. 
They need to get access to the body, which means getting past Officer Thompson.

The state of the body should be some indication that it isn't a ghoul behind this. Beyond that, an Investigation check lets them know that the body was hastily dumped and that this was a poor place to do it. There are lots of transients around and he or she could have been spotted. This is in stark contrast to the professional job that was described by Haley.

They can follow up with the tramps in the area and find an old woman pushing a cart around picking up trash. She's off put by them at first, but they might be able to win her over with gifts. She's also a little bit crazy. She saw the body dropped, though, and she describes the guy as wearing a bright red suit with curly blond locks and a half dozen guys doing all the work. They showed up in a black van. She doesn't know much more than that.

That is enough to lead them to [[The Vault]] once they figure out the description is for [[Johnny Blue]].
!Enter: Luscious Lady
''Actors'' [[Kate Hall]]
!!!GM Notes
This happens at a lull, anywhere the ~PCs happen to be. If they haven't made progress by mid-day, she shows up.
Wherever the ~PCs happen to be.
Kate is a petite woman with sparkling smart eyes and swinging hips, at least she is while under a glamor of her own devising. Of course, that sets off signals to anyone who makes a Lore check (Fair). If they beat it by 3 shifts they not only know there is some kind of mystic energy about her, but that it is a glamor. She isn't perturbed if they notice, but she doesn't drop it. Without the glamor, she is clearly dead.

She tells them of her plight, that her brother has gone mad. She tries to twist what the ~PCs know against them. She says he is a practitioner. One of some power, though nothing approaching full on talent. He can conjure entropic energies and make summoning circles, wards, and make magical trinkets - that kind of thing.

She also tells them her brother was hanging out with a short stocky man with thinning hair, a guy with anger issues who treated her like dirt and looked at her with hungry eyes. This is a Deception attack that can be repelled by Rapport - but it makes them think she has the DAMSEL IN DISTRESS aspect. She says that he started burying himself in magic after their mother died. She doesn't know why, but she's afraid, especially with that other man in the picture. And now he's disappeared!

She asks them to find her brother before he does something terrible. She gives them some of his hair if they can track with spells. Otherwise, she points them toward the muscle she knows he's been hanging out with - under the guise of dangerous men she's seen him with. She mentions both [[Johnny Blue]] and [[Tony "The Wolf" Roberts]].
''Aspect'' Learned Holy Man
''Sanctuary'' Can offer temporary sanctuary in the church.
''Library'' Has several books about creatures - //invoke// aspect CREATURE TOMES
!Feeding Dependency [+1]
''Description:'' You gain some of your supernatural abilities by feeding on blood (page 188),
emotions (page 189), or something else (in the case of ghouls, massive quantities of meat). If you take this ability, it “attaches” to most if not all of your supernatural powers except for those from this category (at least 2 points’ worth).
''Skills Affected:'' Discipline.
''Hunger Is Stressful.'' You have an additional stress track called hunger. The length of the track works like those of other stress tracks from Endurance, Conviction, etc., only using Discipline as the base skill. Unlike other stress tracks, you may not clear this out at the end of a scene (see below).

''Limited Reserves.'' At the end of a scene whenever you have heavily exerted your affected powers, you must check to see if you experience feeding failure. This manifests as an attack with a strength equal to the total refresh cost of the abilities you used; you roll Discipline to defend. For example, if you used Inhuman Strength and Inhuman Toughness in the scene, that’s a total of 4 refresh, so you’d be rolling your Discipline to meet or beat a target of 4.

ŠŠ* If you succeed, you may clear out your hunger stress track.
ŠŠ* If you fail, you take hunger stress as though you’d suffered an attack. If you have physical or mental consequence slots open, you may use them to buy off the stress as per the normal rules (page 203). If you cannot or do not wish to spare consequences, then you must lose access to a number of your powers, up to a refresh cost equal to the amount of stress taken. These options can be combined however you choose.
* ŠŠIf you have no powers left to lose and are taken out by a feeding failure, you are actually taken out (resulting in complete incapacitation, extreme emaciation, and other nasty fates).

Highly stressful or emotional situations can still trigger your need to feed, even if you’ve already lost some or all of your abilities. In such situations (often as the result of
a compel), the strength of the attack is equal to half of the refresh value of your affected
abilities, rounded up.

''Failure Recovery.'' You can recover your lost abilities at the rate of up to one point per  scene so long as you opt out of the scene, essentially because you are spending it feeding. You can regain all of your lost abilities in one scene if you feed so forcefully as to kill a victim outright. In either case, your hunger stress clears out completely, and any consequences that resulted from feeding failure vanish regardless of the usual recovery time.
One of a pair of sisters along with [[Rufina Torres]], they take care of problems in Atlanta for the Red Court. 
| Mental O | Physical O |
| Social O |  |
''Total Refresh Cost''
!Gaseous Form [–3]
''Description:'' Certain Black Court vampires may have the ability to turn into a cloud of gas, seeping under door cracks, traveling great distances undetected, and so on. Other creatures may do this as well. 
''Skills Affected:'' Various.
''Gaseous Transformation.'' You may transform into a gaseous cloud. In gas form, you set aside all ability to act in exchange for the Physical Immunity ability (page 186) with a Catch of any of your normal weaknesses, if you have any, plus the vulnerabilities a cloud of gas might have; the ability to fly à la the Wings ability (page 165); and the Insubstantial effect of Spirit Form (page 170). The only real actions available to you are
movement and maneuvers—you cannot attack or block while in this form. It takes a whole exchange to make the transformation.

While in this form, you’re potentially vulnerable to things that can affect a gaseous cloud: someone could bottle up part of you if he got off a good enough “attack;” a strong head-wind could impede travel, adding borders to zones if you are trying to float into the face of it. However, you may be able to ignore other border values entirely by seeping through cracks under doors or windows, traveling through ventilation systems, and so forth. You’ll still be stopped by something airtight and slowed down by  something that’s mostly airtight.
''Aspects'' Ghoul Mercenary, In it for the Meat, Anger Issues
''Skills'' Good Alertness (+3), Good Athletics (+3), Fair Deception (+2), Fair Driving (+2), Good Endurance (+3), Superb Fists (+5), Good Intimidation (+3), Good Presence (+3), Good Stealth
''Powers'' [[Claws]], [[Human Guise]], [[Feeding Dependency]] (Meat), [[Inhuman Strength]], [[Inhuman Speed]], [[Supernatural Recovery]], [[The Catch]] (holy objects, dead is dead).
| Mental OO |Physical OOOOO |
| Social OOOO | Hunger OO |
* Weapon:4 strength & claws
* Superb Attack
* Good Defense
* Epic Initiative
''Total Refresh Cost'' -6
!Ghoul Enforcers Want Answers
''Actors'' [[Hired Ghoul Merc]] x3
* Sandra’s House
* Sandra’s Back Yard
* Mara’s Back Yard
* Mara’s House
* Front Yard
* Houses/ Back Yards – Back Doors
* Sandra’s Back Yard/Sandra’s Back Yard – None
* Back Yards (both)/Front Yard – Fence Gate/Side of Building
* Houses/Front Yard – Front Doors
Both tenets live in each side of the same duplex. The back yards are surrounded by a chain link fence once must navigate in order to get to the front, but the back yards are connected with no impediments. It’s getting dark, which might cause problems.
Three ghouls have been staking out Sandra’s house in case she returns. Instead, they found a bunch of investigators sneaking around. After waiting, they decided to get the drop on the two who went into Sandra’s house. They moved around the house, with one waiting at Sandra’s back door, one hiding behind Mara’s house, and another on the side of the house on Sandra’s side behind the gate. They’ll try to figure out why the investigators are there, hopefully finding a clue to Sandra’s location.
* ''Juno'' Talk to the Fist - This will be compelled to get Juno to act against the idea of greater diplomacy with the ghouls when first encountered.
* ''Logan'' Protector of the Weak - This will be compelled with Mara coming out into danger. If he accepts, the situation will become more complex, otherwise, she'll get back inside herself.
* ''Anyone'' Sunset - Anyone who tries to perform an action from a distance will have 
!Ghoulish Encounter
''Actors'' [[Ghoul Enforcer]], 5 [[Renfield]]
* Street - Few Cars, Nosy Neighbors
* Alley - Cramped Space
* Rooftop - Watch that Fall
* Street/Alley - None
* Alley/Roof - Fire Escape (Average)
The alley really //smells//, and its probably only about ten feet across. As they get closer they can see the man, who looks mostly annoyed by their presence. Standing around him are five men, all who are staring the ~PCs down like they want to rip their throats out, on the edge of sanity.
They can avoid a fight here pretty easily. The ghoul isn't looking for trouble - leastwise not from them, but he's hungry. If they push it, he might just decide to make a meal out of them.
''Skills'' Fair Athletics (+2), Good Fists (+3), Good Guns (+3), Good Weapons (+3)
|Mental OO|Physical OOO|
|Social OO||
Good Attack
Fair Defense
Weapon:3 shotgun
Weapn:1 switchblade
Some changelings are lucky. They look normal, or sometimes even beautiful. Others look like they were beaten with the ugly stick. Hammy was throttled by it. He's been picked on and shunned for so long, he has come to expect it from others. He wasn't lucky enough to live with [[Michelle]], but he's found his way to her in the last year and hangs out occasionally. There he's treated like a person and is starting to open up.
One of Aurora’s handmaidens was killed by Sandra Kneat in Callaway Gardens. This was an act of utter defiance by a changeling and it cannot go unpunished by the Summer Court. 

''Aspects'' Ghoul Mercenary, In it for the Meat, Anger Issues
''Skills'' Good Alertness (+3), Good Athletics (+3), Fair Deception (+2), Fair Driving (+2), Good Endurance (+3), Superb Fists (+5), Good Guns (+3), Good Intimidation (+3), Good Presence (+3), Good Stealth (+3), Superb Weapons (+5)
''Powers'' [[Claws]], [[Human Guise]], [[Feeding Dependency]] (Meat), [[Inhuman Strength]], [[Inhuman Speed]], [[Supernatural Recovery]], [[The Catch]] (holy objects, dead is dead).
| Mental OO |Physical OOOO |
| Social OOOO | Hunger OO |
* Weapon:4 strength & claws
* Weapon:3 baseball bat, crowbar, lead pipe, etc.
* Weapon:3 shotgun
* Superb Attack with Fists/Weapons
* Good Attack with Guns
* Good Defense
* Epic Initiative
''Total Refresh Cost'' -7
She is a sidhe who lives on the other side of the portal to Winter Faerie. 
!Human Guise [–0]
''Description:'' Congratulations, you pretty much look like everyone else.
''Skills Affected:'' Discipline.
''Notes:'' The effects of this ability are so minor that they’re really considered to be almost
cosmetic, at least in terms of the impact on the game mechanics; hence the zero cost. Ghouls are one example of a creature with this ability, as are White Court vampires.
''Normal Appearance.'' You have a number of supernatural abilities (often from “Creature
Features” on page 162, though others may apply) that give you an appearance that’s
noticeably, often horrifically, different from normal folks. With this ability, you are able
to take on a human guise that conceals your supernatural nature from mundane
senses. Supernaturally gifted individuals may still sense your unusual nature using
Investigation, Alertness, or Lore.

Your other abilities are still technically available to you while you’re looking normal, unlike with Human Form (see this page). The moment you choose to use your powers, however, the human guise drops away. So long as you do not use your abilities, you don’t give away your nature to mundane senses—though under times of great stress or high emotion, you may be called on to make a Discipline roll to keep the guise in place.
!Inhuman Recovery [–2]
''Description:'' You have an incredible fortitude,
able to exert yourself longer and heal faster than
a normal human can.
''Musts:'' You must attach this power to a [[Catch|The Catch]] (see this page).
''Skills Affected:'' Endurance, other physical skills.
''Total Recovery.'' You’re able to recover from physical harm that would leave a normal person permanently damaged. You can recover totally from any consequence (excluding extreme ones) with no other excuse besides time; simply waiting long enough will eventually heal you completely.

''Fast Recovery.'' Out of combat, you may recover from physical consequences as if they were one level lower in severity. So, you recover from moderate consequences as though they were mild, etc. Consequences reduced below mild are always removed by the beginning of a subsequent scene.

''Vigorous.'' Endurance never restricts (page 214) other skills due to a lack of rest. You may skip a night of sleep with no ill effects.

''Shrug It Off.'' In combat, once per scene, you may clear away a mild physical consequence (page 203) as a supplemental action (page 213).
!Inhuman Speed [–2]
''Description:'' You are very fast, just past the edge
of human capability.
''Skills Affected:'' Athletics, Alertness, and some
other physical skills.
''Improved Initiative.'' Your Alertness is at +4 for the purpose of determining initiative.

''Athletic Ability.'' All your Athletics checks are made at +1, including dodging.
When sprinting (see page 212), this bonus is increased to +2.

''Casual Movement.'' Whenever moving as part of another physical activity, you may move
one zone without taking the –1 penalty for a supplemental action (page 213).

''Almost Too Fast To See.'' Difficulty factors due to moving are reduced by two when rolling
!Inhuman Strength [–2]
''Description:'' You are able to lift more and hit harder than the average human can, due to your supernatural heritage.
''Skills Affected:'' Might, other physical skills.
''Improved Lifting.'' Whenever lifting or breaking inanimate things, you gain a +3 to your
Might score.

''Bruising Strength.'' Roll Might at +1 whenever using that skill in conjunction with grappling
(page 211). This also allows you to inflict a 2-stress hit on an opponent as a supplemental
action during a grapple.

''Superior Strength.'' Whenever using your Might to modify (page 214) another skill, it
always provides a +1 regardless of the actual comparison of your Might score to the skill
in question.

''Hammer Blows.'' With attacks that depend on muscular force (Fists, thrown Weapons, etc.), you are at +2 to damage, increasing the stress dealt by two on a successful hit.
!Inhuman Toughness [–2]
''Description:'' You’re unusually tough and have incredible fortitude. You’re able to take more punishment than a normal human can. 
''Musts:'' You must attach this power to a Catch (see this page).
''Skills Affected:'' Endurance, other physical skills.
''Hard to Hurt.'' You naturally have Armor:1 against all physical stress.

''Hard to Kill.'' You have two additional boxes of physical stress capacity (page 201).
''Aspects'' Professional Door Buster, Live Larger Than Life, "My Two Friends", Full of Himself
''Skills'' Good Athletics (+2), Fair Contacts (+3), Fair Deceit (+2), Good Fists (+3), Fair Guns (+2), Fair Intimidate (+2), Fair Might (+2), Good Personality (+3), Fair Rapport (+2)
''Powers'' Disarm (+2 to disarm maneuver), Wrestler (+2 grapple)
''Refresh'' 6
| Mental OO | Physical OOOO |
| Social OOOO |  |
* Weapon:1 brass knuckles
* Weapon:2 gun
* Good Attack with Fists
* Fair Attack w/ Guns
* Good Defense
* Average Initiative
''Total Refresh Cost'' -3
!Kate Comes Calling
''Aspects'' to be determined wherever they meet
''Actors'' [[Kate Hall]]
Kate is back, again under glamor, even if they know its a glamor. She meets them wherever she can, setting it up however she can.
Kate is either in the know because the ghoul followed them successfully, or she doesn't know what has happened and wants to find out. The ~PCs can be as forthcoming or secretive as they want, based on their goals. Her goal is simple, she wants her brother dead. To that end, she needs to find out where he is. Unfortunately, her ghoul hasn't been able to find anything out about that, so she has to rely on the ~PCs. 
''Aspects'' New to the Court, Bloodthirsty
''Skills'' Average Alertness (+1), Good Athletics (+3), Average Conviction (+1), Good Deceit (+3), Fair Discipline (+2), Good Fists (+3), Fair Endurance (+2), Fair Intimidate (+2), Good Lore (+3), Good Presence (+3)
''Powers'' [[Claws]], [[Echoes of the Beast]], [[Living Dead]], [[Supernatural Toughness]], [[The Catch]] is Bram Stoker style weaknesses, [[Blood Drinker]], [[Feeding Dependency]], [[Cloak of Shadows]], [[Inhuman Strength]], [[Inhuman Speed]], [[Domination]], [[Gaseous Form]], [[Ritual]] (glamors and wards)
| Mental OO | Physical OOO (OOOO) |
| Social OOOO | Hunger OOOO |
| Armor:2 | |
''Notes:'' Given time and opportunity, they can crawl inside your head in a Discipline vs. Discipline contest dealing mental stress and with consequences that indicate some amount of mental control. Most of the time they can opt instead to rip opponents apart. They don't heal particularly well from major damage, though.
* Great initiative
* Great defense
* Good attacks
* Weapon:4 claws & strength.
''Total Refresh Cost'' -16
!Living Dead [–1]
''Description:'' You’re dead, but you keep walking around. It’s kind of gross.
''Musts:'' You’ve got to be dead.
''Corpse Body.'' Your body is a corpse. This means that you cannot recover from consequences with time, because your body does not regenerate. Any physical consequences you suffer are permanent until you take some kind of effort to remove them (know any good taxidermists?) or seek supernatural assistance to
reconstruct your body.

''Death is a Nuisance.'' Unless wholly destroyed or killed by special means, you’re already dead, and that doesn’t seem to have fazed you much. No “death” result is ever permanent unless special means are used (usually as determined by your creature type).

''Dude! You’re Dead!'' And that’s pretty scary to a lot of people. When dealing with folks unaccustomed to the walking dead (and that’s most “regular” people), gain a +1 on Intimidation. The downside? Take a –1 penalty on nearly every other social skill (except Deceit). For every level of physical consequence you’ve sustained, increase the penalty/bonus by –1/+1. That said, the effect is short-lived with any one target—as they become accustomed to a reality where the dead walk, they eventually become inured to it as an additional reason to be terrified.
|''Name:''|LoadRemoteFileThroughProxy (previous LoadRemoteFileHijack)|
|''Description:''|When the TiddlyWiki file is located on the web (view over http) the content of [[SiteProxy]] tiddler is added in front of the file url. If [[SiteProxy]] does not exist "/proxy/" is added. |
|''Date:''|mar 17, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D ]]|
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!Look Out Behind
''Actors'' [[Ghoul Enforcer]]
The streets leading to the harbor front are narrow and winding with intermittent lighting. There are major highways and back streets. If they notice the tail, they'll probably take the less well lit back roads instead. 
The ~PCs are driving toward the harbor front. If they make an Alertness of Good, they notice they're being tailed by a black sedan. The windows are tinted and they can't see inside.
The action starts as soon as they realize they have a tail and decide what to do about it. Any driving challenge is going to be handled with the Driving skill. This is an opposed contest with the ~PCs trying to lose their tail. They make opposed Driving checks and in order to escape, the ~PC driver must be five shifts ahead of the ghoul. On the other hand, the ghoul can attempt to make them think they've lost it by using Deception, in which case, if he gets five shifts above the highest Alertness, they think they lost him, but he still has their trail. Use the ghoul's base Driving (Fair) to oppose the ~PCs rolls, and the highest ~PC's base Alertness against the ghoul's Deception of Fair (+2).

They can attempt maneuvers as well, perhaps knocking over trash or taking a notoriously risky driving maneuver. They can then tag the aspects they create to increase their odds.

The longer it takes them to lose the tail, the longer it takes them to get to the harbor front. In the meantime, word might reach [[Richard|Richard Hall]] that they're coming. They need to either lose the tail quickly or ignore it and see what happens when they arrive at their destination. If the ghoul follows them there, he continues tailing them, this time more carefully and by himself, leaving the Renfields inthe car. If spotted, he takes off and tries to resume following again. He does not engage them unless they make a threatening move. But, if they do, he responds in kind.
The tail is the ghoul following along with three Renfields. If the ~PCs confront them, the ghoul will answer the challenge. He is a ghoul after all.
!The Idea
Dog the ~PCs as they unlock the secrets to why practitioners are disappearing and find the one responsible.
!!!Basic Plot
A minor practitioner's sister was taken by the Black Court. He snapped, and to get revenge he is taking and sacrificing other minor practitioners to get back at the vampire who turned his sister by summoning a demon to kill the vampire.
[[Panicked Call]]
[[Scene of the Crime]]
[[Ghoulish Encounter]]
[[Dump Site]]
[[Enter: Luscious Lady]]
[[The Vault]]
[[Look Out Behind]]
[[Searching the Harbor Front]]
[[Sea Horse]]
[[Demon Cometh]]
[[Kate Comes Calling]]
[[More Gone]]
[[Back Home]]
!!!Who's Who
* [[Richard Hall]] - Minor practitioner. Brother of Kate Johnson - now turned vampire. Swore vengeance against Black Court, trying to summon demon. In hiding.
* [[Kate Hall]] - New to the Black Court. Sister of Richard Johnson. Now put in charge of stopping him to protect Dimitri.
* [[Johnny Blue]] - Minor player in the city, criminal behavior. Working for Richard Johnson doing shakedowns and dumping bodies, though doesn't know why. In the know on some supernatural affairs.
* [[Tony "The Wolf" Roberts]] - Minor player in the city, does some drug running and security work. Professional. Working for Richard by taking practitioners and signing up some enforcers to help protect him.
* [[Ghoul Enforcer]] - Leading [[Renfield]] looking for Richard. Working for Dimitri and Kate. Not the best help, but Dimitri is in semi-hiding and Kate is new to the game, so they turned to the ghoul.
* [[Dimitri]] - Black Court who vamped Kate Johnson. Laying low while Kate and the ghoul take over killing Richard.
* [[The Demon Chihiztizen]] - A demon who Richard has learned part of the True Name of in order to summon him. Normally very powerful, he's weaker when Richard summons him due to the lack of a full True Name and inexperience summoning demons.
Michelle is a changeling who doesn't wish to make the choice. She instead raises other changelings, helping them find their their place in the world and understanding who they are. She has a small house in Sylvan Hills where she takes in those that need her until they can live on their own. 
If the ~PCs take too long after the demon is released, then more people start to disappear. It's obvious that [[Richard Hall]] is now acting on his own in his own unprofessional manner, but with magic to make up for it. They can use this to help track him down if they have no other means.
''Actors'' [[Tony "The Wolf" Roberts]], 5 [[Thugs|Thug]]
* Warehouse
* Street
Tony is packing something up from a warehouse into the back of a black unmarked van. He's got five guys with him, all carrying boxes, but they put them down as the ~PCs approach.
The ~PCs can approach how they want, which will affect how this plays out. Tony isn't particularly looking for a fight - it might draw unwanted attention, although the police don't come around this area much. He'd have time to get out, but a prolonged confrontation could be trouble. However, he is a professional, and he isn't going to give up his boss easily. If it comes to blows, he's willing to fight.
Tony and his thugs fight back hard. The cocaine can be used in maneuvers or as "hostage" by the ~PCs.

If Tony is taken out, he'll talk. He doesn't want to die, after all. 
A warlock with middling power but whose mind was wracked by the toll that breaking the laws of magic take on a soul, he was on a path to self-destruction. In other words, he was the perfect guinea pig for an experiment of the Black Court vampire Azazel: the burning circle. However, he managed to surprise the vampire, and now he is on the run from the Black Court, the Red Court, and the Wardens of the White Council after causing uproar in New York for summoning the demon Kakinaxithik trying to put the magical power of the burning circle to use.
!Panicked Call
''Aspects'' Player Defined
''Actors'' Haley Ringwold
This takes place at one of the player's homes.
The ~PCs know, through Paranet, that practitioners and a few other supernatural entities on the low power scale have been disappearing. So far, they've got about half a dozen names of people gone. They've been going over the names, trying to find a lead, but so far they've come up empty. In the meantime, they've let out a warning on the Paranet and told anyone to contact them if they find anything.
It's nearing midnight on a cloudy night near the full moon. A very distressed Haley Ringwold calls them. She can barely keep her voice together. She tells them that her husband, Joe, was out, despite her warnings, and that she was watching him out the window. As soon as he went outside, he was nabbed by a parked black van, dragged in, and they took off. She doesn't know what to do. It just happened. She asks if she should call the police. She wants them over right away and doesn't feel safe. Then the phone cuts out.
''Names of People who have Disappeared''
* Nathan Briggs
* Tony Uther
* Wilson Smith
* Bridget Pidge
* Zoe Walker
The phone cut out because she is also a minor practitioner and zapped it with a hex by accident.
|''Description:''|Extends TiddlyWiki options with non encrypted password option.|
|''Date:''|Apr 19, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D ]]|
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''Aspects'' Black Court Thrall, Consumed by Rage
''Skills'' Fair Fists (+2), Good Might (+3), Good Weapons (+3)
''Powers'' [[Inhuman Strength]]
| Mental O | Physical OOO |
| Social O |  |
* Weapon:2 fists
* Good Attack
* Fair Defense
* Mediocre Initiative
''Aspects'' Conjurer Consumed by Rage, 
''Skills'' Average Athletics (+1), Great Conviction (+4), Great Discipline (+4), Fair Intimidation (+2), Superb Lore (+5), Fair Presence (+2), Good Resources (+3)
''Powers'' [[Channeling]] (water), [[Thaumaturgy]], [[The Sight]], [[Soulgaze]], [[Wizard's Constitution]]
''Refresh'' 3
| Mental OOOO | Physical OOO |
| Social OOO |  |
!!!Steel Spoked Staff
* +1 control (water)
* Can drain magic out of a practitioner, giving it a charge
* Spend a charge to add +1 offense or control to a spell (any number)
* Spend a charge and a fate point to ignore 1 mental stress from a spell (any number)
''Entropy Bolt'' 4 power attack; 1 mental stress; Weapon:4
''Entropy Blast'' 6 power attack; 3 mental stress; Weapon:2 vs 3 targets
''Intercepting Orbs'' 6 power block; 3 mental stress; Armor:2 for 3 rounds
''Throw Orb'' 3 power attack; lose 1 armor from ''Intercepting Orbs''; Weapon:3; 1/orb
Mostly summoning, but he has access to a full range of thaumaturgy spells.
The Summer Knight, Reuel has heard that Sandra Kneat is causing problems in Atlanta, and he takes interest because he is her father, although no one, including Sandra, knows save the mother and Michelle, an old woman who takes care of wayward changelings. Sandra’s mother was a sidhe, a faerie of power and influence. Although the mother takes no interest in the daughter, Reuel is a very dutiful man, and although he has had to keep her parentage a secret, he has always looked out for her. Now she is causing too much trouble for both Summer and Winter and he has come to stop her before someone else stops her in a more permanent fashion. 
[[Lost & Found]]
A beautiful young changeling, Sandra is an extremely talented spellcaster, a rarity in changelings. Her skills with both Summer and Winter trappings are almost on terms of that of a White Council wizard, and her ability with veils and glamours approach that of a true faerie. Raised by Michelle until the age of fourteen, she is vehemently opposed to making the Choice, and has been at odds with both Summer and Winter in the past. She was abducted by Kupka who performed a burning circle ritual to bind a demon to her mind. Now she is being influenced, and her normal dislike of Summer and Winter are turning into active sabotage. 
!Reds In It Too??
''Actors'' [[Flavia Torres]] [[Rufina Torres]]
!!!Possible Avenues
!!!Engaged ~PCs
!!!Leads Into
See: [[Ghoul Enforcers Want Answers]]
!!!Possible Avenues
!!!Engaged ~PCs
!!!Leads Into
!The Job
''Aspects'' Traditionally Faerie, Unease In The Air
''Actors'' [[Michelle]], [[Hammy]]
Sylvan Hills
Sylvan Hills is generally a nice neighborhood, though there are some nearby rough patches - namely the red light district of the city along Metropolitan Parkway and narcotics deals always going on in the nearby Adair Park. There have been some recent skirmishes between the Red Court and White Court in the area, and tensions are still high among the supernatural population of the area, which numbers a high amount of changelings and faerie folk. The homes here are older, dating back to the '30s and '40s, with a smattering in the '20s, and while it was a sketchy neighborhood perhaps twenty years ago, things are picking back up.

Michelle lives in a large bungalow that houses perhaps half a dozen adolescent changelings at any time. It is well cared for, with a fresh paint job and recently laid brick walkway from the street. Two children, Percy (8) and Terance (6), are playing in the yard with Michelle watching over them as the ~PCs arrive.
The ~PCs arrive at Michelle's, where Logan was raised. Michelle gives them information on Sandra and why she wants help finding the girl.
* Sandra is talented with spell casting, particularly veils and glamours.
* Sandra lived there until about two months ago when she turned 18 and went to make her own way. Michelle has seen her a few times since then, and she was doing well.
* Sandra has been approached by Summer and Winter numerous times, but refuses to join up with either.
* Recently a representative of Summer came looking for her, not in the usual manner, and it seemed like Sandra was in trouble. Now Michelle is worried and can't get in touch with Sandra even though she's tried for about three days now. If they make an empathy check, they can tell she's holding something back.
* Then the police came around late last night asking questions about Sandra, and that's when she called Logan for help. She doesn't know any details and can't find anything out on her own.
* If asked for something of Sandra's, she suggests going to the house she rents and searching there.
* Sandra lives in Kirkwood in a little house that she rents with a practitioner woman. She can give them the address. She hasn't been there.

When they are leaving, a big quiet guy comes up to them who Logan knows as Hammy. Hammy never lived with Michelle, but he hung around sometimes. He's a quiet guy, really ugly unfortunately, and he has a hard time. He is socially awkward, and doesn't look them in the eyes. He is distraught that Sandra is missing. He had a crush on her but never said anything. He's worried, and he hopes they find something. He begs them to not give up on her. He knows the police came looking for her, but he's sure she could never do anything wrong.
* Michelle is withholding information that the one looking for Sandra from Summer was the Summer Knight. She's worried that they won't look for her knowing he's here, but she knows Reuel is her father, so she doesn't think he's a threat.
* The officer who came was one of Brady's boys. They have surveillance footage of Sandra at the Bobby Jones Golf Course showing her there on the night that the fifth hole was vandalized by a burned circle on the fair way. Right now her involvement is being covered up, and he's closed off the course.  
!!!Possible Avenues
The ~PCs might attempt to divine Sandra's location using magic and the toy telephone. Normally, she would have wards and glamours up to confuse divinations, but right now those have been taken down by Winter. She'll get them back up in a few scenes.
''Her Place''
The ~PCs might go to where she lives and question the roommate or look for other clues. 
''Police Record''
The police wanted something. They might look up why the police were asking questions.
!!!Engaged ~PCs
* [[Logan Harcourt]] - This is his world.
* [[Juno Reyes]] - Police involvement means she has some mundane avenues to explore.
!!!Leads Into:
[[Scene - Sandra's Pad]]
[[Scene - The Precinct]]
[[Scene - Reds In it Too??]]
!Intro Post
Most people avoid changelings. It's not that they're bad people, usually, its just that they're dangerous. Physically, sure. Magically, sometimes. But, when you deal with changelings, you're dealing with faeries, and that is where the true danger comes from. They're half faerie, and anyone who's clued in on the supernatural world knows to stay away from faeries whenever possible and to never *ever* make a deal with one. But, changelings aren't half faerie because they want to be, and they get swept into the politics of their dangerous parentage without warning and without consent, oftentimes making them the victims of their own birthright.  And, sometimes when these problems arise for one of their kind, others, changelings and human alike, jump into the fray with eyes wide open. That's where you come in.

You're in Sylvan Hills in a big house owned by the changeling Michelle, Logan's adoptive mother for lack of a better term. She's getting along in years, but she still somehow has the energy to care for those children nobody else wants. Several young changelings have been running around excitedly asking why so many people are visiting, but she's been subtly shoeing them away. Now you're finally alone in the living room sipping on tea as the woman tries to put her thoughts together. You know she asked you all here because of a missing girl, though she didn't want to talk about the particulars until everyone had arrived. Now that everyone is here, and the kids aren't within hearing distance, she seems apprehensive, sitting on a big easy chair and looking down at her hands in her lap.

Finally, she takes a deep breath and looks up at each of you. You can see the worry behind her eyes, a quiet helplessness that only a parent can have for their own child. "It's about one of the young women who used to live here, a girl named Sandra. She's gone missing. I've tried calling her, but I can't reach her." She closes her eyes and shakes her head. "I've gotten ahead of myself. There were some men looking for her here. That's why I'm worried that I can't get in touch with her. There was a representative of Summer, which isn't too strange. But... the police came looking for her yesterday. The police!" Her tone climbs as she emphasizes this last part, and she jumps at the sound of her own voice, then looks out into the hallway to make sure none of the children were listening. Breathing relief that no one was there, she continues. "I just know she wouldn't do anything wrong... I just know it... She was such a good child..." She covers her mouth, and takes in a long breath through her nose. "That's why I've asked for your help. I don't know what to do."


"It's about one of the young ladies who used to live here, a girl named Sandra. She's a fine girl, always made good grades and was helpful around the house. She's... missing, I think." She licks her lips looking around at each of you, meeting your eyes as she continues.

"I've tried calling her, but she won't answer her cell phone. She always answers her phone... I know she doesn't live here anymore, but... but..." She closes her eyes and shakes her head, looking down at her lap again. "I've gotten ahead of myself. There were some men looking for her here. That's why I'm worried that I can't get in touch with her. First, there was someone from Summer, which isn't too strange, I admit. But... the police came looking for her yesterday. The police!" Her tone climbs as she emphasizes this last part, and she jumps at the sound of her own voice, then looks out into the hallway to make sure none of the children were listening.

Breathing relief that no one was there, she relaxes and leans back in her chair again. "I just know she wouldn't do anything wrong... I just know it... She was such a good child..." She covers her mouth, and takes in a long breath through her nose. "That's why I've asked for your help. I don't know what to do."
This scene only really initiates as far as the players are concerned if they notice the black sedan with tinted windows following them.

Have each character roll Alertness, and let Investigation or driving [[complement]] the roll. This is opposed by the vampires' Great Stealth, so a roll of Great or higher will spot the car following them. If they're spotted, the ~PCs can either try to lose the tail or confront the vampires. If it is daylight, then they are in no position for a fight, so they high tail it out of there (which might lead to the ~PCs following them!), but if its night, they're not as cautious: they'll try to find out what they can, and they're perfectly willing to get into a fight, although they're not in it to the death!

''Aspects'' varies
''Actors'' [[Flavia Torres]] [[Rufina Torres]]
''Zones'' varies
''Borders'' varies
Takes place on the streets of Atlanta, between two locations the ~PCs are traveling. Depending on the time of day and where they're going, the location, aspects, and zones might be vastly different.
The car the vampires are driving is a black sedan with tinted windows. This keeps the light out so that the vampires can keep their human disguises. They can generally open the windows without losing their disguise so long as the sunlight isn't shining directly onto them.
There are various ways the ~PCs could confront the situation. Here are a few examples of what they might do and how to react.
__''Lose the Tail''__
The most obvious step is to try to lose the tail. This would most probably involve a Driving extended contest as the two parties try to outdo each other at driving. The ~PCs can try indefinitely, but they'll occupy themselves for a long time if they aren't able to lose the car. Use the Cat & Mouse rules (page 194 YS) with three rounds worth of rolls. A win for the players means that they lose the tail. A win for the tail means that the players //think// they lost them, but they didn't. A draw means that the vampires stick to them and the ~PCs still see them, perhaps necessitating another attempt to lose the vampires, or a change in strategy.
__''Approach the Car''__
The ~PCs might decide that they're not interested in running away. They get out and attempt to make contact, or they try to skid the vampires to a halt, or they lead them into an alley and then jump them... or whatever. In any case, the vampires are willing to talk if its night, but not during the day. So there are two ways this could go: Chase or Confrontation
A high speed chase breaks out! In this case, use Cat & Mouse rules (page 194 YS) but instead of the vampires on the offensive, its the ~PCs. A win for the players means that they cut off the vampires who can't get away. A win for the vampires means they escape, and a draw means an accident occurs.
If the vampires are willing to talk, or the ~PCs force a confrontation by giving chase and winning, then there's going to be something going down. The vampires want answers to questions, and they're just as happy to pull them out of the ~PCs' piece by piece as follow them around covertly. If they're forced out during daylight, they're defiantly going more toward the pulling out piece by piece route! Skip ahead to the [[Scene - Reds In It Too??]] section and run that scene immediately.
* The vampires are following the ~PCs because they believe the ~PCs know more about what is going on than they actually do, what with one being a changeling and another being a warden. They want information. Unfortunately, the ~PCs probably don't know more than they do by the time they meet up.
!!!Possible Avenues
If the ~PCs find out that the Reds are involved it opens up some options. They might take the fight to the Reds or look into what the Reds have been up to. The playing field is a bit more open here, so it will have to be played as the ~PCs think of ways to try and gather some information.
!!!Leads Into
The ~PCs are just headed somewhere else. Continue wherever they left off after this scene if possible.
!Scene of the Crime
''Actors'' Haley Ringwold, [[Ghoul Enforcer]]
* Street - Few Cars, Neighbors Watching
* Rickety Stairway - No Handhold
* Apartment - Dingy and Dirty
* Street/Stair - Doorway (Mediocre)
* Stair/Apartment - Doorway (Mediocre)
The street is a dirty low rent area. They can see people looking out of their windows. The place is fairly well lit for the time of day by a combination of street lights, half of which are out, and the almost full moon peeking through the clouds. There is a roving gang of cats about who look warily at the ~PCs, but ignore them for the most part.

Inside isn't much better, the stair's rail completely gone. Haley's apartment is messy and kind of smells, but they can sense the presence of a threshold at the entrance - it is truly their home. She's perhaps in her early forties, both her husband and her minor practitioners - palm readers and fortune tellers - who barely make ends meet.
The ~PCs arrive on the scene where he was abducted, and Haley is waiting for them inside. She tells them everything she can remember. They can go out and look at the area, maybe using magic or supernatural senses to attempt to follow the van. She is also willing to give them some hair if they have access to tracking spells. Otherwise, they can try for mundane investigation.

When they leave, the cats are gone, and a neighbor slams her curtains closed when they look up. They see a man in a nearby alleyway, a short burly guy with a balding head and a broken nose. When he sees he's been spotted, he retreats into the alleyway. They might notice that there are others in the alley as well.
* The abductor in this case was Tony Roberts - professional job
** Black van
** Four men
** Grabbed and gone in less than a minute
* The ghoul was tailing Tony but lost him, and returned to find the ~PCs here
* The cats didn't like the ghoul and ran off when he arrived
!Sea Horse
''Actors'' [[Gunman]], 6 [[Thugs|Thug]]
* East Deck - the far deck from shore
* West Deck - the close deck to shore
* Cabin - rooms on the east deck
* Cabin Roof - on top of the cabin
* East/West - None
* East/Cabin - None
* East/Roof - None (stairs) or Fair (+2) climb
The Sea Horse is a barge where [[Richard Hall]] has been working his rituals and making his sacrifices. Outside, he has security supplied by [[Tony "The Wolf" Roberts]], in plain clothes patrolling the main deck, but to a Fair Investigator, obviously keeping watch. The deck has a smattering of barrels and refuge laying about. A cold wind is blowing from the sea, and it starts sprinkling lightly as they make it to the boat. Five thugs are on the deck, two on the east side three on the west side, and one thug is on the roof. 
The thugs on deck are on the lookout, so if the ~PCs want to try to sneak by, it will be difficult. They're patrolling lazily, with Alertness of Fair (+2) to beat. The guy in charge is inside the cabin and comes out if there is commotion going on.
Sneaking through will require Good scores all around. If they're spotted, a fight will break out. Once a fight breaks out the gunman comes out with a sawed off shotgun with a call of "What the //fuck// is going on out here?!"
!Searching the Harbor Front
''Actors'' Varies
By this point, it is getting windy and damp, and it looks like it might rain the next day. They can smell the humidity and see rain clouds on the horizon over the water. The harbor has boats of all sizes on the docks and its full of warehouses and other nooks and crannies where Richard could be hiding. 
Their main concern at the moment is finding out where Richard is. They can go to local stores, fishermen, and others to ask around. Everybody has seen Johnny in the area, and a few have seen Richard, but Richard has been hiding for a while, so its going to take a Great success to find someone who can give them a general idea (he was on a boat) with three more shifts getting them which specific boat. Either way, they can identify the boat because it has some of Tony's thugs on board acting as security. However, without the extra shifts, it will take hours of Investigation to find the right one. Their troubles are just beginning however.
''Names to Use''
* George Bran
* Tiff Wilson
* Viv Rickson
* Abbey Turner
Dresden Files Campaigns
Stories in the City
!Supernatural Recovery [–4]
''Description:'' You can exert yourself constantly without issue and, given just a little downtime, you can recover from particularly nasty wounds.
''Musts:'' This ability replaces [[Inhuman Recovery]]. You must attach this power to a [[Catch|The Catch]] (see page 185).
''Skills Affected:'' Endurance, other physical skills.
''Total Recovery.'' As with [[Inhuman Recovery]].

''Faster Recovery.'' Out of combat, you may recover from physical consequences as if they were two levels lower in severity. So, you recover from severe consequences as though they were mild, etc. Consequences reduced below mild are always removed by the beginning of a subsequent scene.

''Unfaltering.'' Endurance never restricts (page 214) other skills due to a lack of rest. You may skip a week of sleep with no ill effects. 

''It’s Nothing.'' Twice per scene, you may clear away a mild physical consequence (page 203) as a supplemental action (page 213).
!Supernatural Strength [–4]
''Description:'' You have supernatural strength — you’re able to lift and break things you shouldn’t be able to, and people who get in your way tend to be very, very sorry.
''Musts:'' Supernatural Strength replaces [[Inhuman Strength]] if taken.
''Skills Affected:'' Might, other physical skills.
''Superior Lifting.'' Whenever lifting or breaking inanimate things, you gain a +6 to your
Might score.

''Bludgeoning Strength.'' Roll Might at +2 whenever using that skill in conjunction with
grappling (see page 211). This also allows you to inflict a 3-stress hit on an opponent as a
supplemental action during a grapple.

''Superlative Strength.'' Whenever using your Might to modify (page 214) another skill, it always provides a +2 regardless of the actual comparison of your Might score to the skill
in question.

''Lethal Blows.'' With attacks that depend on muscular force (Fists, thrown Weapons, etc.), you are at +4 to damage, increasing the stress dealt by four on a successful hit. Be careful; it’s casually easy to kill someone with a simple punch at this level.
!Supernatural Toughness [–4]
''Description:'' Your body can take punishments that would easily kill a normal man.
''Musts:'' This ability replaces [[Inhuman Toughness]]. You must attach this power to a
Catch (see page 185).
''Skills Affected:'' Endurance, other physical skills.
''Harder to Hurt.'' You naturally have Armor:2 against all physical stress.

''Harder to Kill.'' You have four additional boxes of physical stress capacity (page 201).
The Catch [+varies]
Description: Your Toughness abilities are
limited in some way.
Skills Affected: None.
The Catch. You must specify something that
bypasses your Toughness abilities. This will
give you a discount on the total cost of any
and all Toughness category powers that you
take, based on how likely it is that the Catch
will be met in play. Add all the relevant
discounts from the list below:
ŠŠ If your abilities only protect you
against something specific, you get a +2
discount. If they protect you against
everything except something specific, you
get nothing.
ŠŠ If the Catch is bypassed by something
that anyone could reasonably get access
to, but usually doesn’t carry on them
(like cold iron), you get a +2. If it is
bypassed by something only a rare class
of people in the world have (like True
Magic), you get a +1. If it is bypassed by
something only one or two people in the
world have access to or could produce
(like a Sword of the Cross), you get
nothing. Even the mere presence of the
thing that satisfies your Catch will cause
you discomfort (and may be grounds for
a compel or something similar).
ŠŠ If almost anyone with an awareness of
the supernatural knows about the Catch
or could easily find out (like from the
Paranet, or Bram Stoker’s Dracula if
you’re a Black Court vampire), you get a
+2. If knowledge of the Catch requires
access to specific research material
that could be restricted (like a wizard’s
library), you get a +1. If knowledge of
the Catch requires knowing you personally
to learn about it (like the effect of
Judas’ Noose on Nicodemus), you get
ŠŠ Any Recovery powers you have are
affected by the Catch, and so will not
speed up the recovery of an injury caused
by something that bypasses the Catch.
Catches cannot reduce the total cost of
your Toughness powers below –1. You
may specify more than one Catch if you so
choose, but you can only receive the discount
once; take the best one.
''Aspects'' Oozing Demon, Detests Water, Torture is its Own Reward
''Skills'' Superb Fists (+5), Great Endurance (+4), Good Athletics (+3)
''Powers'' [[Breath Weapon]] (acid), [[Claws]], [[Supernatural Strength]], [[Supernatural Toughness]], [[The Catch]] is a weakness to water
''Stunts'' Grab 'Hold (can perform another action while grabbing a creature)
| Mental OOO | Physical OOOOOOOO |
| Social OOO | +1 minor physical con. |
This was an imperfect summoning due to Richard's non-training. Chihiztizen's body is gooey and supple, which gives it the weakness to water. When soaked, he hoses his supernatural toughness. When merely wet, it is downgraded to [[Inhuman Toughness]]. Water can be used in combination with maneuvers to give large bonuses against him. Water can also "short out" its breath weapon, making it easier to hit it at range.
* Breath Weapon:2 throws "clumps" of itself
* Weapon:6 strength & claws
* Superb Attack
* Great Defense
* Armor:2
* Mediocre Initiative
* Slow Movement
''Total Refresh Cost'' -11
!The Vault
''Actors'' [[Johnny Blue]], 4 [[Thugs|Thug]], Sofiya & Liliya Solovyov (twins), Nolan the Bouncer
* Outside - Line, Bouncer
* Downstairs - Dance Floor, Bar
* Upstairs - Lounges
* Outside/Downstairs - Door/Bouncer (Mediocre/Average)
* Downstairs/Upstairs - Stairs full of People (Fair)
Outside is the usual line to get in. Most of the people in line are in their early twenties, good looking, and ready to party. A few are already drinking and making out in line. The bouncer, Nolan, is a no  nonsense guy who won't let anyone in unless they're a "right fit" for the club. Or they pay him enough, whatever. 

Inside its loud. Very loud. The music is thumping, and the people are dancing. There are two stories, with a dance floor and bar on the bottom and seats arranged around the upper level to look down. There are waitresses in skimpy outfits taking drinks to people, and everybody seems to be having a good time.
[[Johnny Blue]] is here, hanging out with his newest conquests, the Solovyov twins. His cronies are nearby getting wasted and enjoying themselves as well. He's really not looking for trouble. Poor guy just wants to get laid tonight.
The ~PCs will hopefully just bribe their way in. They might be able to talk their way if they're good, though. Once inside, it's easy to find Johnny. He's at a big table with the twins and lakeys around. There are also a few other hangers on who listen to him rattle on about his fast cars, haughty adventures, and anything else he's selling about himself (his favorite subject).

This encounter is really to find out more about what's going on, so depending on how the ~PCs treat it, it might not get hostile. Of course, if they're really upset that he's dumping desecrated bodies, things might turn ugly. By default, treat it as a social encounter. His main priority right now, though, is saving face in front of the ladies.

If things turn ugly, bouncers will show up. The ~PCs might be ale to turn the bouncers against him, but it will be difficult since he's such a regular here. It's also possible, if they're hurt his reputation though social interaction and they're looking for a fight, they could all get kicked out or a three way brawl could break out between them, Johnny and his guys, and the bouncers.

He can't tell them as much as Tony. He doesn't meet Richard very often, that's Tony's department. What he does is run odd jobs and now dump some bodies for Richard. He tells them he got the body from Tony on a back alley on the bad side of town, near the harbor front. That's also where he's done a few things for Richard, like shakedowns on a few guys there, mostly local store owners and the like. He's had to pick up some weird things. He's still got the lists, he can show the ~PCs what he's been collecting. A Lore check (Great) will tell them that he's trying to do some kind of summoning - and something powerful.

They can now start investigating the harbor front in an attempt to find Richard. 
''Skills'' Average Athletics (+1), Fair Fists (+2), Fair Guns (+2)
|Mental O|Physical OO|
|Social O||
''Aspects'' Civilian Black Ops For Hire, "I get the job done", Realistic Expectations
''Skills'' Good Athletics (+3), Good Contacts (+3), Fair Conviction (+2), Fair Deceit (+2), Fair Fists (+2), Good Guns (+3), Fair Investigation (+2), Fair Might (+2)
''Powers'' Fast Reload, Careful Aim(+3 to Weapon on aim w/ fate), Wrestler (+2 grapple)
''Refresh'' 5
| Mental OOO | Physical OOOO |
| Social OOOO |  |
* Weapon:2 gun
* Armor:1 bullet proof vest
* Good Attack w/ Guns
* Good Defense
* Average Initiative
''Total Refresh Cost'' -3
Description: Contains the stuff you need to use Tiddlyspot
Note, you also need UploadPlugin, PasswordOptionPlugin and LoadRemoteFileThroughProxy
from http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info for a complete working Tiddlyspot site.

// edit this if you are migrating sites or retrofitting an existing TW
config.tiddlyspotSiteId = 'dresden';

// make it so you can by default see edit controls via http
config.options.chkHttpReadOnly = false;
window.readOnly = false; // make sure of it (for tw 2.2)
window.showBackstage = true; // show backstage too

// disable autosave in d3
if (window.location.protocol != "file:")
	config.options.chkGTDLazyAutoSave = false;

// tweak shadow tiddlers to add upload button, password entry box etc
with (config.shadowTiddlers) {
	SiteUrl = 'http://'+config.tiddlyspotSiteId+'.tiddlyspot.com';
	SideBarOptions = SideBarOptions.replace(/(<<saveChanges>>)/,"$1<<tiddler TspotSidebar>>");
	OptionsPanel = OptionsPanel.replace(/^/,"<<tiddler TspotOptions>>");
	DefaultTiddlers = DefaultTiddlers.replace(/^/,"[[WelcomeToTiddlyspot]] ");
	MainMenu = MainMenu.replace(/^/,"[[WelcomeToTiddlyspot]] ");

// create some shadow tiddler content

 "tiddlyspot password:",
 "<<option pasUploadPassword>>",

 "| tiddlyspot password:|<<option pasUploadPassword>>|",
 "| site management:|<<upload http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi index.html . .  " + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ">>//(requires tiddlyspot password)//<br>[[control panel|http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/controlpanel]], [[download (go offline)|http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/download]]|",
 "| links:|[[tiddlyspot.com|http://tiddlyspot.com/]], [[FAQs|http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/]], [[blog|http://tiddlyspot.blogspot.com/]], email [[support|mailto:support@tiddlyspot.com]] & [[feedback|mailto:feedback@tiddlyspot.com]], [[donate|http://tiddlyspot.com/?page=donate]]|"

 "This document is a ~TiddlyWiki from tiddlyspot.com.  A ~TiddlyWiki is an electronic notebook that is great for managing todo lists, personal information, and all sorts of things.",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //What now?// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ Before you can save any changes, you need to enter your password in the form below.  Then configure privacy and other site settings at your [[control panel|http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/controlpanel]] (your control panel username is //" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + "//).",
 "<<tiddler TspotControls>>",
 "See also GettingStarted.",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Working online// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ You can edit this ~TiddlyWiki right now, and save your changes using the \"save to web\" button in the column on the right.",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Working offline// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ A fully functioning copy of this ~TiddlyWiki can be saved onto your hard drive or USB stick.  You can make changes and save them locally without being connected to the Internet.  When you're ready to sync up again, just click \"upload\" and your ~TiddlyWiki will be saved back to tiddlyspot.com.",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Help!// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ Find out more about ~TiddlyWiki at [[TiddlyWiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com]].  Also visit [[TiddlyWiki.org|http://tiddlywiki.org]] for documentation on learning and using ~TiddlyWiki. New users are especially welcome on the [[TiddlyWiki mailing list|http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki]], which is an excellent place to ask questions and get help.  If you have a tiddlyspot related problem email [[tiddlyspot support|mailto:support@tiddlyspot.com]].",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Enjoy :)// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ We hope you like using your tiddlyspot.com site.  Please email [[feedback@tiddlyspot.com|mailto:feedback@tiddlyspot.com]] with any comments or suggestions."

 "<<upload http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi index.html . .  " + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ">><html><a href='http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/download' class='button'>download</a></html>"

| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |
| 06/06/2012 16:00:34 | CW | [[/|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/]] | [[store.cgi|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . |
| 07/06/2012 16:00:23 | CW | [[/|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/]] | [[store.cgi|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . |
| 03/07/2012 13:06:13 | CW | [[/|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/]] | [[store.cgi|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . | ok |
| 04/07/2012 04:49:16 | CW | [[/|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/]] | [[store.cgi|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . |
| 05/07/2012 12:31:21 | CW | [[/|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/]] | [[store.cgi|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . |
| 12/07/2012 15:58:39 | CW | [[/|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/]] | [[store.cgi|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . |
| 05/11/2012 14:19:03 | CW | [[/|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/]] | [[store.cgi|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . | ok |
| 05/11/2012 14:32:18 | CW | [[/|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/]] | [[store.cgi|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . | ok |
| 05/11/2012 15:08:20 | CW | [[/|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/]] | [[store.cgi|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . |
| 13/11/2012 19:15:29 | CW | [[/|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/]] | [[store.cgi|http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://dresden.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . |
|''Description:''|Save to web a TiddlyWiki|
|''Date:''|Feb 24, 2008|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D ]]|
version.extensions.UploadPlugin = {
	major: 4, minor: 1, revision: 3,
	date: new Date("Feb 24, 2008"),
	source: 'http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#UploadPlugin',
	author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
	coreVersion: '2.2.0'

// Environment

if (!window.bidix) window.bidix = {}; // bidix namespace
bidix.debugMode = false;	// true to activate both in Plugin and UploadService
// Upload Macro

config.macros.upload = {
// default values
	defaultBackupDir: '',	//no backup
	defaultStoreScript: "store.php",
	defaultToFilename: "index.html",
	defaultUploadDir: ".",
	authenticateUser: true	// UploadService Authenticate User
config.macros.upload.label = {
	promptOption: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki with UploadOptions",
	promptParamMacro: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki in %0",
	saveLabel: "save to web", 
	saveToDisk: "save to disk",
	uploadLabel: "upload"	

config.macros.upload.messages = {
	noStoreUrl: "No store URL in parmeters or options",
	usernameOrPasswordMissing: "Username or password missing"

config.macros.upload.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
	if (readOnly)
	var label;
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") 
		label = this.label.saveLabel;
		label = this.label.uploadLabel;
	var prompt;
	if (params[0]) {
		prompt = this.label.promptParamMacro.toString().format([this.destFile(params[0], 
			(params[1] ? params[1]:bidix.basename(window.location.toString())), params[3])]);
	} else {
		prompt = this.label.promptOption;
	createTiddlyButton(place, label, prompt, function() {config.macros.upload.action(params);}, null, null, this.accessKey);

config.macros.upload.action = function(params)
		// for missing macro parameter set value from options
		if (!params) params = {};
		var storeUrl = params[0] ? params[0] : config.options.txtUploadStoreUrl;
		var toFilename = params[1] ? params[1] : config.options.txtUploadFilename;
		var backupDir = params[2] ? params[2] : config.options.txtUploadBackupDir;
		var uploadDir = params[3] ? params[3] : config.options.txtUploadDir;
		var username = params[4] ? params[4] : config.options.txtUploadUserName;
		var password = config.options.pasUploadPassword; // for security reason no password as macro parameter	
		// for still missing parameter set default value
		if ((!storeUrl) && (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http")) 
			storeUrl = bidix.dirname(document.location.toString())+'/'+config.macros.upload.defaultStoreScript;
		if (storeUrl.substr(0,4) != "http")
			storeUrl = bidix.dirname(document.location.toString()) +'/'+ storeUrl;
		if (!toFilename)
			toFilename = bidix.basename(window.location.toString());
		if (!toFilename)
			toFilename = config.macros.upload.defaultToFilename;
		if (!uploadDir)
			uploadDir = config.macros.upload.defaultUploadDir;
		if (!backupDir)
			backupDir = config.macros.upload.defaultBackupDir;
		// report error if still missing
		if (!storeUrl) {
			return false;
		if (config.macros.upload.authenticateUser && (!username || !password)) {
			return false;
		bidix.upload.uploadChanges(false,null,storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, username, password); 
		return false; 

config.macros.upload.destFile = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir) 
	if (!storeUrl)
		return null;
		var dest = bidix.dirname(storeUrl);
		if (uploadDir && uploadDir != '.')
			dest = dest + '/' + uploadDir;
		dest = dest + '/' + toFilename;
	return dest;

// uploadOptions Macro

config.macros.uploadOptions = {
	handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		var wizard = new Wizard();
		var markList = wizard.getElement("markList");
		var listWrapper = document.createElement("div");
		var uploadCaption;
		if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") 
			uploadCaption = config.macros.upload.label.saveLabel;
			uploadCaption = config.macros.upload.label.uploadLabel;
				{caption: uploadCaption, tooltip: config.macros.upload.label.promptOption, 
					onClick: config.macros.upload.action},
				{caption: this.cancelButton, tooltip: this.cancelButtonPrompt, onClick: this.onCancel}
	options: [
	refreshOptions: function(listWrapper) {
		var opts = [];
		for(i=0; i<this.options.length; i++) {
			var opt = {};
			opt.option = "";
			n = this.options[i];
			opt.name = n;
			opt.lowlight = !config.optionsDesc[n];
			opt.description = opt.lowlight ? this.unknownDescription : config.optionsDesc[n];
		var listview = ListView.create(listWrapper,opts,this.listViewTemplate);
		for(n=0; n<opts.length; n++) {
			var type = opts[n].name.substr(0,3);
			var h = config.macros.option.types[type];
			if (h && h.create) {
	onCancel: function(e)
		return false;
	wizardTitle: "Upload with options",
	step1Title: "These options are saved in cookies in your browser",
	step1Html: "<input type='hidden' name='markList'></input><br>",
	cancelButton: "Cancel",
	cancelButtonPrompt: "Cancel prompt",
	listViewTemplate: {
		columns: [
			{name: 'Description', field: 'description', title: "Description", type: 'WikiText'},
			{name: 'Option', field: 'option', title: "Option", type: 'String'},
			{name: 'Name', field: 'name', title: "Name", type: 'String'}
		rowClasses: [
			{className: 'lowlight', field: 'lowlight'} 

// upload functions

if (!bidix.upload) bidix.upload = {};

if (!bidix.upload.messages) bidix.upload.messages = {
	//from saving
	invalidFileError: "The original file '%0' does not appear to be a valid TiddlyWiki",
	backupSaved: "Backup saved",
	backupFailed: "Failed to upload backup file",
	rssSaved: "RSS feed uploaded",
	rssFailed: "Failed to upload RSS feed file",
	emptySaved: "Empty template uploaded",
	emptyFailed: "Failed to upload empty template file",
	mainSaved: "Main TiddlyWiki file uploaded",
	mainFailed: "Failed to upload main TiddlyWiki file. Your changes have not been saved",
	//specific upload
	loadOriginalHttpPostError: "Can't get original file",
	aboutToSaveOnHttpPost: 'About to upload on %0 ...',
	storePhpNotFound: "The store script '%0' was not found."

bidix.upload.uploadChanges = function(onlyIfDirty,tiddlers,storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password)
	var callback = function(status,uploadParams,original,url,xhr) {
		if (!status) {
		if (bidix.debugMode) 
		// Locate the storeArea div's 
		var posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
		if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	if(onlyIfDirty && !store.isDirty())
	// save on localdisk ?
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "file") {
		var path = document.location.toString();
		var localPath = getLocalPath(path);
	// get original
	var uploadParams = new Array(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password);
	var originalPath = document.location.toString();
	// If url is a directory : add index.html
	if (originalPath.charAt(originalPath.length-1) == "/")
		originalPath = originalPath + "index.html";
	var dest = config.macros.upload.destFile(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir);
	var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
	log.startUpload(storeUrl, dest, uploadDir,  backupDir);
	if (bidix.debugMode) 
		alert("about to execute Http - GET on "+originalPath);
	var r = doHttp("GET",originalPath,null,null,username,password,callback,uploadParams,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

bidix.upload.uploadRss = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		if(status) {
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadRss
	if(config.options.chkGenerateAnRssFeed) {
		var rssPath = uploadParams[1].substr(0,uploadParams[1].lastIndexOf(".")) + ".xml";
		var rssUploadParams = new Array(uploadParams[0],rssPath,uploadParams[2],'',uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5]);
		var rssString = generateRss();
		// no UnicodeToUTF8 conversion needed when location is "file" !!!
		if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) != "file")
			rssString = convertUnicodeToUTF8(rssString);	
	} else {

bidix.upload.uploadMain = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
		if(status) {
			// if backupDir specified
			if ((params[3]) && (responseText.indexOf("backupfile:") > -1))  {
				var backupfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")+11,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")));
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadMain
	var revised = bidix.upload.updateOriginal(original,posDiv);

bidix.upload.httpUpload = function(uploadParams,data,callback,params)
	var localCallback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		url = (url.indexOf("nocache=") < 0 ? url : url.substring(0,url.indexOf("nocache=")-1));
		if (xhr.status == 404)
		if ((bidix.debugMode) || (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )) {
			if (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )
				responseText = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("\n\n")+2);
		} else if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0') 
		if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0')
			status = null;
	// do httpUpload
	var boundary = "---------------------------"+"AaB03x";	
	var uploadFormName = "UploadPlugin";
	// compose headers data
	var sheader = "";
	sheader += "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\"";
	sheader += uploadFormName +"\"\r\n\r\n";
	sheader += "backupDir="+uploadParams[3] +
				";user=" + uploadParams[4] +
				";password=" + uploadParams[5] +
				";uploaddir=" + uploadParams[2];
	if (bidix.debugMode)
		sheader += ";debug=1";
	sheader += ";;\r\n"; 
	sheader += "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\""+uploadParams[1]+"\"\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8" + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Length: " + data.length + "\r\n\r\n";
	// compose trailer data
	var strailer = new String();
	strailer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
	data = sheader + data + strailer;
	if (bidix.debugMode) alert("about to execute Http - POST on "+uploadParams[0]+"\n with \n"+data.substr(0,500)+ " ... ");
	var r = doHttp("POST",uploadParams[0],data,"multipart/form-data; ;charset=UTF-8; boundary="+boundary,uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5],localCallback,params,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

// same as Saving's updateOriginal but without convertUnicodeToUTF8 calls
bidix.upload.updateOriginal = function(original, posDiv)
	if (!posDiv)
		posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
	if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	var revised = original.substr(0,posDiv[0] + startSaveArea.length) + "\n" +
				store.allTiddlersAsHtml() + "\n" +
	var newSiteTitle = getPageTitle().htmlEncode();
	revised = revised.replaceChunk("<title"+">","</title"+">"," " + newSiteTitle + " ");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-HEAD","MarkupPreHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-HEAD","MarkupPostHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-BODY","MarkupPreBody");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-SCRIPT","MarkupPostBody");
	return revised;

// UploadLog
// config.options.chkUploadLog :
//		false : no logging
//		true : logging
// config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine :
//		-1 : no limit
//      0 :  no Log lines but UploadLog is still in place
//		n :  the last n lines are only kept
//		NaN : no limit (-1)

bidix.UploadLog = function() {
	if (!config.options.chkUploadLog) 
		return; // this.tiddler = null
	this.tiddler = store.getTiddler("UploadLog");
	if (!this.tiddler) {
		this.tiddler = new Tiddler();
		this.tiddler.title = "UploadLog";
		this.tiddler.text = "| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |";
		this.tiddler.created = new Date();
		this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
		this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	return this;

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.addText = function(text) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	// retrieve maxLine when we need it
	var maxLine = parseInt(config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine,10);
	if (isNaN(maxLine))
		maxLine = -1;
	// add text
	if (maxLine != 0) 
		this.tiddler.text = this.tiddler.text + text;
	// Trunck to maxLine
	if (maxLine >= 0) {
		var textArray = this.tiddler.text.split('\n');
		if (textArray.length > maxLine + 1)
			this.tiddler.text = textArray.join('\n');		
	// update tiddler fields
	this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
	this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	// refresh and notifiy for immediate update
	store.notify(this.tiddler.title, true);

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.startUpload = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir,  backupDir) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	var now = new Date();
	var text = "\n| ";
	var filename = bidix.basename(document.location.toString());
	if (!filename) filename = '/';
	text += now.formatString("0DD/0MM/YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss") +" | ";
	text += config.options.txtUserName + " | ";
	text += "[["+filename+"|"+location + "]] |";
	text += " [[" + bidix.basename(storeUrl) + "|" + storeUrl + "]] | ";
	text += uploadDir + " | ";
	text += "[[" + bidix.basename(toFilename) + " | " +toFilename + "]] | ";
	text += backupDir + " |";

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.endUpload = function(status) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	this.addText(" "+status+" |");

// Utilities

bidix.checkPlugin = function(plugin, major, minor, revision) {
	var ext = version.extensions[plugin];
	if (!
		(ext  && 
			((ext.major > major) || 
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor > minor))  ||
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor == minor) && (ext.revision >= revision))))) {
			// write error in PluginManager
			if (pluginInfo)
				pluginInfo.log.push("Requires " + plugin + " " + major + "." + minor + "." + revision);
			eval(plugin); // generate an error : "Error: ReferenceError: xxxx is not defined"

bidix.dirname = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	} else {
		return filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf("\\"));

bidix.basename = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("#")) != -1) 
		filePath = filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(lastpos + 1);
	} else
		return filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("\\")+1);

bidix.initOption = function(name,value) {
	if (!config.options[name])
		config.options[name] = value;

// Initializations

// require PasswordOptionPlugin 1.0.1 or better
bidix.checkPlugin("PasswordOptionPlugin", 1, 0, 1);

// styleSheet
setStylesheet('.txtUploadStoreUrl, .txtUploadBackupDir, .txtUploadDir {width: 22em;}',"uploadPluginStyles");

	txtUploadStoreUrl: "Url of the UploadService script (default: store.php)",
	txtUploadFilename: "Filename of the uploaded file (default: in index.html)",
	txtUploadDir: "Relative Directory where to store the file (default: . (downloadService directory))",
	txtUploadBackupDir: "Relative Directory where to backup the file. If empty no backup. (default: ''(empty))",
	txtUploadUserName: "Upload Username",
	pasUploadPassword: "Upload Password",
	chkUploadLog: "do Logging in UploadLog (default: true)",
	txtUploadLogMaxLine: "Maximum of lines in UploadLog (default: 10)"

// Options Initializations

// Backstage
	uploadOptions: {text: "upload", tooltip: "Change UploadOptions and Upload", content: '<<uploadOptions>>'}


The new Warden in town, Thornton is currently on the trail of the warlock Oleksiy Kupka, though he doesn’t know the warlock’s name. All he knows is that a burned circle was found in New York, connected to a demon that managed to rampage a few days before the sun rises caught up to it and expelled the magic holding it in the city. During that time, the local Warden was heavily injured. Now Thornton has found a burned circle and must find out what trouble has been caused.
''Lawbreakers'' Keep up with the state of Lawbreakers in the city Young is aware of.